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If Experience Matters – Contact Us

Stressed? Anxious? Worried?
Need Help Right Now?

We can help. We offer experience and expertise with complete confidentiality.
Contact us to get help now.

Are You Feeling Anxious?

  • Anxiety can be overwhelming. Feelings of discomfort to panic attacks not knowing why or where they come from can create feelings of fear and despair. If it does subside on its own it will come back over 90% of the time.
  • Anxiety develops into a fear of the problem itself. Very soon the anxiety will develop its own form of anxiety. In other words people become anxious about anxious.
  • Anxious about being anxious? When this occurs the problem is that you can never find the root cause because you will focus on the symptoms instead of the root cause of the problem. It is imperative to understand from where it came and have that emotion released no matter how long ago it occurred.
  • Negativity is also the other issue. It is important to learn to think differently. A negative mindset creates and then recreates fear and anxieties automatically. Mind retraining is of utmost importance. Not just CBT therapy – but instead step by step processes to teach you to control thought processes.
  • Anxiety is actually a normal physical reaction that your body creates to keep you safe. It is attempting to get you out of situations that might be threatening. .
  • Anxiety also often occurs in situations that are actually safe but for some reason the mind perceives them as unsafe or even dangerous.

We Help Clients Feel Better

  • Feelings of sadness is a very common emotion however staying this way is not. It is not normal and does not need to be.
  • You were not born sad or depressed and that means that something happened somewhere whether you know it or not. The key will be to focus on the issues and not the symptoms.
  • It is vital to understand that these feelings are a temporary situation and that with the proper help and therapy they can be lifted.
  • It is also important to look at it from a holistic approach and this includes not only you but your environment past and current. Anyone that does not look at the whole picture is missing the answers to the solutions.
  • It is also extremely important to learn to think differently to create a new mindset find with the things that you desire.
  • You do not need to feel this way.

Stress Therapy & Counselling

  • Sometimes you just need someone to help you out of a situation that has the experience and knowledge necessary
  • Stress unchecked can lead to serious issue such as anxiety and depression as well as other destructive behaviours if left unchecked.
  • Stress therapy and counselling is usually short term and gives you a new perspective to either support your thoughts and feelings or to help you see that they need to be changed.
  • It is important to have a connection with whom you work with and they are approachable and understanding.
  • Stress therapy and counselling can help with many issues and cover many of life’e situations. It will offer you answers and solutions as well as feedback.
  • This process will allow you to set goals and achieve them.

Accepting New Clients. Ready To Change? Call Us!

  • Your success is VERY Important To Us.
  • We have proven programs and we will help you make it work.
  • Our programs are both natural and unique – we teach You how To create a new lifestyle with health and happiness.
  • We have developed strategies to lift emotional issues and to reprogram the negative inner voice.
  • Our key – Support – Support – Support! Helping you all the way.
  • Ready to take your life back?



Rated Top in 3 BestRated in Windsor. Awarded Most Effective Therapist. Windsor’s #1 Rated Clinic Specializing in Stress, Anxiety, Depression and Counseling Therapies. Serving Windsor, Ontario, and surrounding areas since the 1990’s. We are Windsor’s Experts in Emotional Issues and Situations.

Body & Mind is the BEST place to go if you want effective ways to remove Negativity, Fears, Worry, Anxieties, Depression and other stress-related issues. Windsor’s award-winning Therapist will help in achieving a healthier life with Body & Mind’s Unique Stress Reduction Programs that have been effectively used by 1,000’s of happy and healthy clients throughout Ontario, Michigan, and beyond.

Rated Top 3 Therapist in Windsor Area



Rick Saruna founded Body and Mind in the 1990s. He is the developer of the various programs featured in the clinic.
Rick’s background in stress work, counseling and therapy allowed him to develop the internationally known programs at Body & Mind.
People from all over North America have traveled many miles to experience his expertise in his programs of Stress, Anxiety and Depression as well as addictive behaviors.
His background in psychotherapy has allowed him to discover and understand the underlying emotional issues in addictive behaviors and mood disorders. When you work with Rick you get a professional that will not only help you but also understand you.
One of Rick’s greatest gifts in his life experiences that gave him knowledge and understanding of what you are going through. He knows what works and doesn’t work from a practical standpoint, not from just a course, a training, a title or a certification. He has seen just about everything and welcomes difficult and unusual situations. Always seeking a challenge to help especially when someone thinks they have tried everything. This is Rick’s expertise.
Rick Saruna will personally see you and work with you.
An expert and developer of emotional release techniques, Victim Services Counselor, professional therapist, hypnosis instructor, NLP instructor, EFT instructor, author of “Thought Shifting – How to Remove Negative Inner Voice”, trainer and professional speaker. He can help you to uncover the root cause of issues, release them and help you remove negativity. If you are looking for long lasting answers as well as solutions Body and Mind in Windsor, Ontario is the place to call.

Rick Saruna is considered one of Windsor’s most experienced therapists. He was featured in the Windsor Star Think Wellness section.


Rick Saruna is one of Canada’s Most Experienced Clinical Specialists in Anxiety, Depression and Stress. An Renowned Expert in Smoking Cessation and Weight Loss.

We utilize a natural holistic approach and apply various techniques as needed.


Evening and Weekend Appointments AVAILABLE!




We Specialize In Emotional Issues Locked Inside That Are Causing The Current Issues and Feelings

Rick Saruna is an expert in emotional issues and quickly identifying them and releasing them. Through his process of Rapid Emotional Release stuck emotional issues and recurring thoughts can be released and let go. Issues such as anger, sadness, fear, guilt can quickly become overcome once root cause is identified. This is a unique process developed by Rick Saruna and unique to the Body & Mind Clinic in Windsor. When old issues are allowed to build up they never go away and will find ways to show up causing relationship issues. All these things can be addressed and changed with the proper therapist helping you. This is one of our specialties.

All Sessions Are Private & Confidential

Body and mind Natural Health Clinic is Windsor’s only holistic Clinic specializing in Stress/Anxiety and Empowerment. Serving the since the Windsor/Michigan region since the 1990s. Counseling individuals and families for health and happiness.

We are located in Windsor, Ontario CANADA

Body & Mind Natural Health Clinic Helping 1000’s Since the 1990’s

2303 Central Ave., Windsor, Ontario

© Copyright 2017 – 2023   |  AfterHoursTherapy.Com  |   All Rights Reserved.

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